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7 Types of Running Workouts

7 Types of Running Workouts


Truth is, you can be better and go faster. And more often than not, the truth hurts.


All runners go through multiple phases where confusion and discouragement towards their running journey kicks in. Whether it’s the period after sustaining an injury or facing a heartbreaking loss in a very important race, our emotions can sometimes overwhelm us to the point of losing interest in running. A phase that is very common in generating such emotions is when we falsely start to believe that we’ve reached peak running form and no longer have spare room for growth. It’s a natural feeling more often encountered by novice runners, who believe the myth that simply running the same routine every day is the best way to become a better runner. Running sub 30 5Ks everyday may be impressive, but sticking only to this type of workout is highly ineffective and only produces magic short term. Frustration will soon sink in when you try for a sub 20 5k attempt and fail miserably, giving birth to a false and pessimistic mindset that running is just not for you, or you’ve already reached full running potential.


By ditching old, ineffective running habits and incorporating more types of running workouts, runnr promises you more success in achieving more running goals! It will require some adjustments to your current routine while your patience and dedication get tested, but it’ll only be a matter of time until the results start showing up. Run better, faster and longer with 7 workouts that are key in achieving new PRs and better overall running performance! Together, let’s reach for a new personal best!


Types of Running Workouts

1. Tempo Runs

Purpose: To increase your lactate threshold, a kind of race simulator

Tempo runs require you to run at a “comfortably hard” pace that can be maintained for a longer period. It is an effort slightly above your anaerobic threshold (the point where your body uses more glycogen for energy), and is known to be effective in training the muscles fight off fatigue (promotes slower build-up of lactic acid in the blood). It is running just outside your comfort zone where breathing becomes more noticeable, but not at levels gasping for breath. Often incorporated within other workouts like intervals and fartleks, and highly recommended for marathon training.

2. Interval Running

Purpose: To improve your running form and economy, builds speed and endurance, buns fat

Intervals are short bursts of more intense running efforts (reaching hard for air, can’t hold conversation) followed by longer periods of lighter running for recovery (easy run pace, jogging). Alternating the two is designed to condition your body to take breaks without stopping movement. The key in intervals is keeping the recovery period controlled by maintaining a true easy run pace. This is where the body adapts and gets stronger, and determines how strong you can finish the next interval leg. Though challenging, it is also highly recommended for marathon training and in trying to get faster.

3. Fartleks

Purpose: To build speed and running efficiency in a less structured format

The Swedish word for “Speed Play”, fartlek is a fun yet highly effective workout that mixes in different running efforts that vary in duration or distance. It is less intense than tempo and interval runs, alternating faster and slower running paces at various points. Normally, visual markers in running paths like trees or lamp posts are set as target points which dictate your running speed. You can choose to run at a faster pace until you reach a certain target, and shift to a much slower effort until the next target is reached. Recommended for novice runners and considered as a playful way to pass time in solo runs.

4. Sprints

Purpose: To build strength and power, promotes better mind-body coordination

Sprinting is running as quickly as you can to cover a certain distance in a given time period. It is a form of interval running and speed play that helps build up muscular strength and explosive power. Sprints train the body to burst into a higher gear of action when needed, making it highly beneficial in the final stretches of race day. It is also known to help build endurance by slowly conditioning the body to run farther without fatiguing as quickly.

 5. Long Runs

Purpose: To build endurance and mental strength, a kind of race simulator

Long runs are designed to increase your raw endurance and mental strength. Given that endurance levels vary per runner, the distance and duration of your long run is dependent on your current endurance level and the type of race you’re training for. But normally, setting it to be 20 to 30 percent of your total weekly mileage is a way to determine how many miles to cover. It’s typically done on the weekend in running paths different from what you normally cover on weekdays, and may require a bit more preparation like carrying hydration gels, and other running essentials needed post run. 

6. Hill Repeats

Purpose: To build strength and endurance

Hill repeats are repeated segments of hard uphill running against gravity that help increase aerobic power, fatigue resistance and pain tolerance. Normally, workouts are done by sprinting or running up the steep hill at faster than average pace, and going down by slow jogging or walking. Hills approximately a quarter mile in length and have a 5-degree grade are recommended, making this workout challenging but worth it in helping you out with the other types of runs.

7. Recovery Runs

Purpose: To relax and facilitate faster recovery

Recovery runs are short, easy-paced runs performed within 24 hours after a hard running workout (usually intervals or long run). It is considered as the easiest training workout that still increases fatigue resistance and endurance. As a general rule, recovery run pace is done at 65% to 75% of your maximum heart rate wherein it’d be possible for you to converse without gasping for air while running. 


These are the 7 types of running workouts that runnr recommends in helping every runner attempt to achieve more running goals! The best way to incorporate all 7 is to take an experimental approach where you slowly try one workout at a time. After you’ve gotten more comfortable with a selected one, start trying out others until you can finally set a running schedule that highlights specific workouts per day. You might also think that having multiple types of workouts is very technical, but the reality is it will get simpler and make running more fun!


Truth is, you can be better and go faster. And in this case, the truth will set your legs free.


Find yourself ready to experiment with different types of running workouts? Make sure to gear up first with the proper running essentials with runnr! Visit your nearest runnr store or shop here at, for all the latest running gear, and amazing deals you’re not going to want to miss out on! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well, to stay up-to-date with all the latest on anything and everything runnr, the leading running specialty store in the Philippines. Happy running!


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